The crush is a nursing assistant. We say stop nursing that crush — pardon the pun — and ask him/her out!

Listed below are 15 reasons to date a nursing assistant:

1. Nurses tend to be caring and patient, and are generally usually great listeners.

2. Nurses tend to be super-smart. If you should be into both brains and beauty, your time can provide.

3. Tired of medical that hangover? Let a genuine nursing assistant work his/her feel-better miracle.

4. Nurses have seen bodies of all shapes and sizes — and saw every form of actual function imaginable. Your insecurities and the body quirks will probably leave your own date unfazed.

5. No waiting lined up. You will definately get an instant analysis any time you believe beneath the climate.

6. The uniform. It’s not merely sensuous on Halloween. (Translation: those scrubs just seem thus lovely and comfy.)

7. Amazing nerves. Nurses continue to be relaxed and collected in pretty stressful conditions. You intend to be dating a nurse in times during the crisis and disorder.

8. Nurses work long hours. If you want just a little only time, a nursing assistant’s insane routine might fit you simply great. (Also, with peculiar hours come odd time occasions.  Monday afternoon might become the new tuesday night.)

9. Nurses make fantastic future parents. No pressure or such a thing.

10. You will end up secure. Date a nurse and also you’ve got instant access to CPR, security information and disease-prevention ideas.

11. Awesome “How had been your day?” tales. Nurses have endless tales of patient and/or medical practitioner crisis.

12. Might start to understand the healthcare terminology on your favored healthcare dramas.

13. Nurses will like the considerate motions. They offer to other people all the time might usually feel unappreciated.

14. Nurses understand selflessness, the key components to a healthy union.

15. Your own day conserves schedules. That’s brag-worthy.