
Although individuals can still ‘get by’ with a single weekly injection, twice weekly injections are ideal and reccomended in order to maintain stable and steady peak blood plasma levels. Primobolan for women should be taken in lower dosages and in shorter cycles compared to men because it would still be enough to offer great results. Although some women go for injectable version of Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate), is highly recommended for women to opt for oral version of Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate). Primobolan Depot represents one of the more popular anabolic steroids in performance enhancing circles, especially bodybuilding due to the Arnold Schwarzenegger stigma that surrounds it. It’s often been said this was his favorite anabolic steroid, and while he used it this stigma has created a misunderstanding of the steroid for some. This isn’t all that surprising, attach Arnold’s name to anything like this and you’ll make it sell.

Primobolan is an extremely popular steroid, which can be used either as injection (Methenolone Enanthate) or as oral pills (Methenolone Acetate). Milder means safer, but doesn’t mean absolutely safe and that’s why a PCT plan, cycle supporting supplements and a proper administration are all very recommended. In case you do notice side effects with Primo, we highly recommend to reduce andriol your dosage. Is very important to use Primobolan properly – do not abuse it by not taking too high doses or for way too much time and you’re most likely going to be alright. Despite the fact that both Primo and Anavar still carry side effects – the risks and their intensity can’t be compared to those of Trenbolone – a compound so strong that is not recommended for women at all.

Primobolan Video

Nonetheless, there are still a lot of people who love oral pills of Primobolan, that’s why, decide which one you want and start using it properly. This is one of the reasons why a lot of people are underestimating the effects of Primobolan and we think that this is a big mistake. Other than the fact that Primo is not very suitable for helping to grow muscles as big as possible, Primo on its own alone is not that powerful either. Many people are comparing Primobolan with Masteron when it comes to their potency and strength. As said earlier, the steroid coming in form as oral pills is having a much shorter half life compared to the injectable Primobolan. That’s because the half life of Methenolone Acetate (oral Primo) is only about 4-6 hours.

Methenolone Acetate Benefits

As a result, Primobolan is considered to be a lot much less toxic for the liver compared to all other orally active steroids like for example Dianabol, Anadrol, Winstrol, Superdrol and others. Without aromatization, the compound won’t convert into estrogen and therefore, no estrogen related side effects like Gynecomastia would occur with Methenolone. Pharmaceutical grade Primobolan is long gone, as most pharmaceutical grade Primo was pulled from the market long ago, even internationally. Therefore, those looking about for how to buy Primobolan, will generally only have luck with the underground lab (UGL) manufactured products. With that being said, a very, very small amount of human grade pharmaceutical Primobolan exists on the market, and the oral format is rarer than the injectable.

Ensure your diet is cholesterol friendly, high in omega fatty acids and low in saturated fats and simple sugars. Ensuring you implement plenty of cardiovascular activity into your routine is also important. As most will be using Primobolan during a cutting cycle this shouldn’t be too hard to do. If you want to use the Methenolone hormone you’ll find the injectable Enanthate version is much easier to obtain.

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